Set of Fox Performance Series IFP +2" lift Land Rover Defender shocks with Steering Damper and Shaft Boots

Bundle Includes

2 x Fox Ø2.0 Land Rover Defender, R/Rover Front - P/Series IFP +2" Lift

2 x Fox Ø2.0 Land Rover Defende, R/Rover Rear - P/Series IFP +2" Lift

1 x Land Rover Steering Damper/Stabilizer,PS, 2.0, IFP 10.7" Stroke

4 x Shaft Guard, Convoluted Boot fits Ø2.0 Smooth Body Shocks

£1,095.31 inc VAT £912.76 ex VAT
2 Availability: 2 In Stock

A complete set of standard height Land Rover Defender with shaft boots.


Qty(2) 985-24-080 Fox front IFP shocks
Qty(2) 985-24-081 Fox front IFP shocks
Qty(4) PRSHBOOT Convoluted boot shaft guard.
Qty(1) 986-24-158 Steering Damper


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